Merrill Audio Jens Phono Stage

€ 17.500,00

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ens Phono stage. Setting the new standard for phono stages

The Jens Phonostage preamplifier took seven years of research and testing, and a full year of production, to reach fruition. In listening tests it has out-performed many highly-respected phonostages, and is poised to take its position as one of the world’s best.

The best phono cartridges are typically low output moving coil and are the hardest to amplify with low noise, high gain and good dynamics.


The Jens phono stage is specially designed for these low output moving coil cartridges providing and astounding 70db gain with very low noise and excellent dynamics seldom heard on Phono pre-amplifiers. Using solid state devices with multiple power supply filtering, the Jens phono stage is designed first to limit noise, then to ensure dynamics and with that has a gain that is 70db.

Using technology that Jens Waale developed over a 7 year period, every Jens Phono stage is hand built using top quality components which are hand tested. A special circuit design is used that provide the excellent dynamics heard on the Jens Phono stage. The Jens Phono stage provide a 0.01db RIAA curve equalization.

The whole unit is a housed in a steel chassis to limit any EMI/RFI interference and noise in the 70db of gain provided. Pure copper, Rhodium plated RCA’s from Furutech are provided for the inputs and the outputs. An external power supply is used with additional filtering inside the Jens phono stage.

  • With 70 dB of gain, you can play any moving coil cartridge
  • Set your load from 25Ω to 5 kilohms
  • Huge headroom for excellent transient volume
  • External power supply
  • Better than 0.1dB RIAA equalization
  • Single ended inputs
  • Isoacoustics GAIA III footers


  • I’ve listened to it as it has progressed towards completion and I find it shockingly good. I’ve had it in my home for a long listening session and when it left I not only felt embarrassed to again listen to mine but almost couldn’t come up with words to say how good the “Jens” phono stage. Unbelievably quiet. A stage so huge that I could not believe my speakers could ever re-produce such a soundstage. Lightning fast and able to handle all transients at all volumes. 70 db! Un f*#king believable.”by David Nemzer, President, NY Audiophile Society


  • “I have owned the preproduction Jens phono stage for awhile now. All I can say is the production version surpasses it nicely. But that wouldn’t mean much if it wasn’t for the fact that this phono stage handily outperforms anything I have owned or heard. It reproduces the sound of LP’s with complete neutrality and a total lack of noise, it allows the phono cartridge to reproduce everything with a faithfulness to the recorded event that is unsurpassed. I know this for a fact from playing my own recordings both in mono and stereo. Partner the Jens with Miyajima Madake or Zero and you need look no further because there is no better. Just buy more LP’s and be amazed.”by Robin Wyatt, Robyatt Audio
  • “In my already revealing system, the Jens caught me off guard. From the first notes of a reference LP, it unleashed a soundstage so life-like, and so alive with natural detail that I just sat there, completely engaged, mouth open, possibly drooling. Yes, it’s that good, and yes, you need to hear it before spending five figures on any phono stage on the market.”by Alón Sagee, President, San Francisco Audiophile Society
  • “Best phono stage I have ever heard.”by Harry Weisfeld, Founder/Owner, VPI Industries
  • “The Jens’ lack of sonic signature doesn’t really make for exciting audio journalism. Extended listening with a wide range of highly familiar pressings proves highly engaging. A perfect tonal balance, wide dynamic range and weighty presentation gradually increases the gravitational pull of your listening area.Combining the Jens with the Christine makes for a dynamic combination. Both share the same ultra wide bandwidth design ethos and provide a very fast, clear and immediate presentation.”
    The Merrill Christine Pre and Jens Phono by
  • “…the Jens is a very accomplished sonic performer. My opinion after 10 minutes wasn’t altered after 10 hours, 10 days or even 10 weeks. The Jens is just fantastic. Sonically, I haven’t heard anything that can keep up with it.”
  • “The advance word on the Merrill Audio Jens Phono Stage highlighted resolution. Yes, it is a real groove plunger, digging in as deep as the best units I’ve spent time with. But I am more impressed by its dynamics, and even more by its musical qualities.”
    Merrill Audio Jens Phono Stage by
  • “Out of all the many moving coil amplifiers I have auditioned this one best preserves the original performance. If you love music and play vinyl recordings with a moving coil cartridge, then I think you will be impressed. That is only if you care enough about the myriads of small clues that create a living experience.”
    Merrill Audio Jens Phonostage Preamplifier by
  • “The Merrill Audio Jens is a two-box affair. The main box (16”D x 17”W x 3.5”H without footers) is quite elegant in appearance: a stainless-steel case with a faceplate electroplated in rose gold. Behind a small window in that faceplate are rows of LEDs indicating varying stages of operation. The case rests on four IsoAcoustics Gaia III feet (add 2” of height). The smaller outboard power supply, housed in its own stainless-steel case (9” x 10” x 14”), has a faceplate of black acrylic. The two boxes are linked with a supplied umbilical cord. All inputs and outputs are via Furutech single-ended jacks (RCA) of pure copper. The Jens is entirely solid-state.”
    Merrill Audio Jens Phonostage Preamplifier by